ASLT Weekend September 2023

Two-Star USATT Sanctioned Tournament

Welcome to ASLT Weekend September 2023. Join us at After School Learning Tree (11525 Sorrento Valley Rd STE A, San Diego, CA 92121) on September 9, 2023 for a Saturday of ping pong and fun.

Draws and Results

Draws and results will be posted here. As usual, draws are constantly changing as more players enter or withdraw from the tournament.

Event Champion Runner-Up
Junior Under 13 Fei-Lian Zhang (1804) ✓✓ Harsha Gurappadi (1490) ✓✓
Open Alex Wu (2339) Jeff Ruiz (2224) ✓✓
Under 1000 Jerry Deng (802) ✓✓ Keming Kao (718) ✓✓
Under 1150 Ryan Acton (1123) ✓✓ Arman Shoaee (917) ✓✓
Under 1300 Emily Chen (856) ✓✓ Trey Mccurdy (1261) ✓✓
Under 1450 Ashwath Hegde (1429) ✓✓ Dylan Peiris (1383) ✓✓
Under 1600 Harsha Gurappadi (1490) ✓✓ Jaden Lee (1621) ✓✓
Under 1700
Under 1800 Wenfang Lei (1741) ✓✓ Ashwath Hegde (1429) ✓✓
Under 1950 Fei-Lian Zhang (1804) ✓✓ Peter Cao (1840) ✓✓
Under 2100 Andrew J Chen (1959) ✓✓ Alexander Figueroa (2041) ✓✓

Event Day Player Instructions

The instructions below are the same as our previous tournaments. If you played that tournament, we already have your number and no further action is required.

    Getting Started

  1. When you arrive at the venue, please check in with the tournament front desk. You will be 1) asked to read these instructions and 2) asked to input your phone number to the tournament. To save time, you can read these instructions ahead of time and input your phone number here. Note that you do not need to give us your number if you have already received a text message from us within the past week.
  2. The venue will open at 8:00 am.
  3. Every player must have access to text messages. If you are dropping your kid off, please input the phone number of a coach or trusted adult who will be present at the tournament.
  4. Unlike other tournaments, we do not pre-assign tables to a match. Instead, every match waits in one giant queue, and the first match in the queue starts immediately once a table is available. Once you are in one of the two front spots in the queue, we will send you a text message telling you to get ready. Please use this time to use the restroom, so you will be ready to go once your match starts. Once a table is available, your will receive a message indicating that your match is starting.
  5. We will not be handing out clipboards and balls like at other tournaments. Instead, whenever you have a match, you will receive a text message indicating your table number and opponent (note the message will come from an unknown number).
  6. Once you receive a text indicating your match has started, go to the table and start your match. You do not need to contact the tournament director unless something is wrong (e.g. your opponent won't show up). There should be a ball at each table. If there is no ball, see the tournament director. Please leave the ball at the table when your match is finished
  7. Submitting Results

  8. When you are finished with your match, click on the link on the text message. It will take you to a webpage to submit your results.
  9. Input your results and hit submit button at the bottom of the page. If all goes well, your results have been saved and you will be redirected to the draw. Again, you do not need to inform the tournament director once your match has finished.
  10. You can save results in between games by clicking the "save" button at the bottom of the page. Remember to hit "submit" once the match finishes.
  11. For security reasons, you may only submit your results once by clicking the submit button on the webpage. If you made an error and need to submit again, then contact any tournament staff and we will unlock the page for you again.
  12. Only one player needs to submit results. Please submit as soon as your match ends so we can free up the table for the next match.
  13. Waiting for Your Next Match

  14. It is important to remember that your table changes every match. Always check your text messages to see where your next match is.
  15. Once a table is available, we immediately assign it to the next match in line. You can view your position in line here. You can also reach this page by clicking on "Match Queue" on the menu at the top of the page. The match queue will show an ETA (may not be too accurate as this is our first time doing it) and whether your opponent is currently playing on another table.
  16. The match queue will also show a list of who is currently playing at what table and for how long each match has been going on. You can use it to watch your next opponent and get a rough idea of when your next match will start.
  17. Your match will only show up on the queue once the event has started.
  18. To help the tournament run more quickly, if you see that someone you know should be playing, please inform them.
  19. Questions

  20. If any problems come up, please talk to any of the tournament staff. Have fun!

Match Queue

View the match queue here.


The schedule is as follows.

Saturday, September 9

TimeEvent 1Event 2
9:00 amU1450 RRU2100 RR
10:30 amU1300 RRU1800 RR
12:30 pmMinicadet RROpen Singles RR
2:00 pmU1150 RRU1600 RR
3:30 pmU1000 RRU1950 RR
5:00 pmU1700 RR

Event Fees, Prizes, and Playing Format

Entry Fees and Prizes

Open Singles RR $33$260$130
U2100 RR $32$120$60
U1950 RR $31$110$55
U1800 RR $30$100$50
U1700 RR $25$100$50One advances
U1600 RR $29$90$45
U1450 RR $28$80$40
U1300 RR $27$70$35
U1150 RR $26$60$30
U1000 RR $25$50$25
Minicadet RR $25$100$50Born on or after January 1, 2010

Special Offers

Registration Fees and Deadlines

Playing Format

Additional Rules

Tournament Staff: Crystal Liu, Ronald Yu, John James Alto. If you have questions, please text Crystal at (858) 209-9186.

Tournament Referee: Joe Tran RR/IU.

Venue. The tournament will be held at After School Learning Tree. The venue address is 11525 Sorrento Valley Rd STE A, San Diego, CA 92121. The closest airport is San Diego Airport (SAN).

Registration. Registration is live on Omnipong.

Payment. All entries must be paid for online beforehand via Omnipong. Your spot is not secure unless you pay beforehand. It is your responsibility to pay online beforehand to secure your spot.

Event Cancellations. Events with fewer than six entries will be cancelled.

Ratings. The rating from August 25 will be used for eligibility. The most recent rating posted on Ominpong will be used for seeding.

Cellphones. This tournament will rely heavily on players having access to text messages and phone calls (and preferably the internet). All players must have a cellphone or be accompanied by a parent or coach with access to a cellphone.

To save yourself some time on the day of the tournament, you can pre-register your phone number here. If your name does not appear on the drop-down list and you have registered for the tournament on Omnipong, please wait for a few days for your name to appear on the list. If you played in Huntington Beach Weekend February 2023 or ASLT Weekend June 2023, we already have your number.

Phone Number: +1

BYOB (Bring Your Own Balls). To make things less hectic at the control desk, players are expected to provide their own balls for all of the matches. To ensure that there are enough balls for the tournament to run smoothly, every player will receive one Premium Nittaku ball at the beginning of the tournament that they can keep. Additional balls will be for sale at the tournament for either $4 a ball or $10 for three balls. Please be a good citizen and try to use your ball for roughly half of your matches (and your opponent's ball for the other half). If your opponent has cracked his or her ball earlier in the tournament, please volunteer to use your ball.

Equipment. We will use Nittaku Premium balls on 9 JOOLA SC 3000 tables. We will have red carpet.

USATT Rules. All generic USATT rules apply. Players must be USATT members to play. Final decisions are up to the discretion of the tournament director.


By signing up for this tournament, you agree to the following:

Entering the tournament, I fully understand that table tennis activities involve risks and dangers of serious bodily injury and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I and/or my minor child incur as a result of my participation in the activity. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless to USATT, OCTTA, all Individuals, Organizations and Sponsors involved in this event. I agree to abide by the rules of the USATT and decisions of the Tournament Officials.

Signature: ______________ (Parent or Guardian must sign for Minor, under age 18) Date:____________

USATT MEMBERSHIP—Basic $25/Yr, Pro $75/Yr

1 Day Tournament Pass: $50 Adult, $20 Junior

OPTIONAL: Donation to support USATT National Team Programs


☐ I understand USATT’s Safe Sport Policy including the organization’s Coaching Policy, which requires that all persons who are engaged in coaching activities at USATT Affiliated Member Clubs and/or USATT Sanctioned Tournaments, except parents or legal guardians coaching their own children, must be fully Safe Sport Compliant, which includes completing SafeSport Training offered by the US Center for SafeSport every year and undergoing a criminal background screen every two years.

☐ I understand that, pursuant to USATT’s Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy, all participants at USATT Sanctioned Tournaments who are over the age of 18 and have regular contact with or authority over minor athletes must complete annual SafeSport Training offered by the US Center for SafeSport.

More information on USATT’s Safe Sport Policy is available at: tennis/athlete-safety/safe-sport.

USATT Safe Sport Protocol

Communication of Safe Sport Policy to Tournament Participants

Full Information for USATT’s Safe Sport Policy is available on the Athlete Safety Section of the USATT website:

This page includes links for:

  1. The USATT Safe Sport Policy, including the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy [“MAAPP”];
  2. The SafeSport Code for the Olympic and Paralympic Movements;
  3. The US Center for SafeSport’s Toolkit for Parents;
  4. USATT Safe Sport Compliance Protocol (Who Must Be Safe Sport Compliant and How a Person Becomes Safe Sport Compliant); and
  5. Frequently asked Questions Regarding Safe Sport Compliance.


Under USATT Safe Sport Policy, persons holding certain Positions of Authority must complete SafeSport Training offered by the US Center for Safe Sport (once per year) and undergo a criminal background screen (every two years). The list of Positions of Authority requiring Full Safe Sport Compliance is set out in USATT’s Safe Sport Policy and the Athlete Safety Section of the USATT Website:


All persons who are engaged in coaching activities at USATT Affiliated Member Clubs and/or USATT Sanctioned Tournaments, except parents or legal guardians coaching their own children, must be Fully Safe Sport Compliant, which requires completing SafeSport Training offered by the US Center for SafeSport every year and undergoing a criminal background screen every two years.


Pursuant to USATT’s Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy, ALL Adult Participants (participants over the age of 18) who have regular contact with or authority over minor aged athletes must complete SafeSport Training offered by the US Center for SafeSport every year (“SafeSport Trained”).


USATT is pleased to assist USATT Members in the process of becoming SafeSport Trained and/or Fully Safe Sport Compliant. Please contact USATT at for more information and guidance in this process.


There are certain circumstances where reporting a potential Safe Sport violation is mandatory. These circumstances include: (i) child abuse; (ii) sexual misconduct; (iii) emotional and physical misconduct; (iv) criminal charges and/or dispositions involving sexual misconduct or misconduct involving minors; (v) any abuse of the Safe Sport process. Child abuse must be immediately reported to local law enforcement. To learn more about the appropriate agency where you can submit a report of child abuse, log onto:


Persons can report a suspected violation of USATT’s Safe Sport Policy to:

  1. The US Center for SafeSport at (or by phone during regular business hours at: 720-531-0340);
  2. The USATT Athlete Protection Officer Mark Thompson ( (719-329-4200).

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